Tim Marshall Apps

The Pentecostals 4.5.2
Tim Marshall
United Pentecostal Church North CarolinaDistrict , Pastor Rodney Landtroop.
Abundant Life Willis 4.5.3
Tim Marshall
Abundant Life is a contemporary worship,bible-believing church. Our heart-beatis to offer "The Place of New Beginnings" to individuals who aresearching fora new start. We would be delighted for you to join us as we lift upour Lord andSavior Jesus Christ in praise and worship. We are eager to get toknow you andto include you in the wonderful things God is doing here.
UPCI Evangelist 4.5.3
Tim Marshall
The UPCI is a Bible-based church.We'reBible-based in that we seek to base all of our beliefs andourlifestyle on explicit passages of the Bible or onbiblicalprinciples. Based on Scripture, we believe the following .. .An App for the Enrolled Evangelist of the UnitedPentecostalChurch International. located in Hazelwood Mo .Coordinator Tim andLois Greene
Indiana District UPCI 4.5.2
Tim Marshall
The Indiana District of the UnitedPentecostalChurch is a growing district and with many functions andactivitiesthroughout the State and at the Camp Ground andConference Center,this app will enable users to connect and followevents and Campsfor people of all ages on the App.
Gospel Truth Church Houston Tx 4.5.1
Tim Marshall
At Gospel Truth Church we have a PassionforGod and Compassion for People. We are not just a church buildingorsimply a group of people that meets weekly, rather we areHischurch and our commission is to share the Gospel with the world.We have a Passion for God and the things of God. Although noneofus are perfect, we strive to lead lives that are pleasing toGod.Our goal at Gospel Truth Church is for each individualtocontinuously develop a deeper relationship with God throughprayer,study of His word, and consecration. We believe that ourlives aretruly fulfilled when God is the priority.We also have a Compassion for People at Gospel Truth Church.TheBible teaches us that in loving God we will first serve andloveone another. We understand that we have all sinned and we haveallbeen graciously afforded the opportunity for redemptionandrestoration. Gospel Truth Church is a place where God canministerto the needs of His people and heal all sorts of afflictionfromillnesses, to depression, to offenses, and to hurts thatwereinflected by others.Gospel Truth Church is a safe haven fromtherest of the world, a place where God can meet your needs, andaplace where we will offer you compassion and friendship.We invite you to take a moment to browse this App and get toknowus better by looking at our mission, our beliefs, our history,andby meeting our staff.
Family Worship Center Colorado 4.5.1
Tim Marshall
Family Worship Center was established tocreatean environment where people can encounter God in alife-changingexperience. We will endeavor to fulfill Christ’scommand to be saltand light, to be a strong voice of influence inthe community, andto make a difference in the lives offamilies.Family Worship Center is an affiliated church with theUnitedPentecostal Church International.
FPC Oakdale 4.5.2
Tim Marshall
First United Pentecostal Church of Oakdale isacontemporary worship, bible-believing church.Our heart-beat is to offer a place of Hope to individuals whoaresearching fora new start. We would be delighted for you to join us as we liftupour Lord andSavior Jesus Christ in praise and worship. We are eager to gettoknow you andto include you in the wonderful things God is doing here.
Bethel Tabernacle Houston Tx 1.0.1
Tim Marshall
Bethel Tabernacle is a UnitedPentecostalChurch in Houston Texas ,The history of Bethel Tabernacle is rich in Christiansacrifice,determination and a great family heritage. This historybegan withOliver F. Fauss. It all started in 1929, when Oliver F.Fauss andhis wife, Jewel, felt the calling of the Lord to build achurch forthe glory of God in Houston, Texas. For four years,Pastor and Mrs.Oliver F. Fauss, family, and congregation worshipedin rented hallsand tents. During one period of time, services wereheld under thetrees in a public park. This church began during theonset of theGreat Depression. In 1934, the church located afive-room buildingon North Palmer Street. This place was convertedto a church. In1940, a stone building was built at 116 North PalmerStreet. As Godcontinued to bless the church with souls, thecongregationeventually outgrew the building.Rev. David L Fauss, son of Rev. and Mrs. O.R. Fauss rejoinedhisfather as Pastor of Bethel Tabernacle in September of 1998.Hishistory with Bethel spans over 20 years of ministry.Before his graduation from Spring High School, Pastor Davidwasinvolved in traveling and playing guitar forseveralgospel-recording artists. He made several national tourswith Jimmyand Bobby Shoemake and later with Will and ShirleyCohron. Duringthis time he became involved in playing and assistingin severalrecording projects for the national Home MissionsDepartment. Afterattending Texas Bible College in 1970, he waslicensed with theUnited Pentecostal Church and traveled as anevangelist for 81/2years. During this time he preached and sang in44 states and inseveral hundred churches.Pastor Fauss went on to become an ordained minister andholdsboth a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of ChurchAdministrationDegree from Twin Cities University. Pastor DavidFauss has leadseven tour groups to Israel. He has also preachedconferences andspecial services in Jamaica, Panama, Haiti, andIsrael.After traveling from 1971 until August 1979, Rev. DavidFaussreturned to Bethel Tabernacle to serve as co-pastor of thechurch.He served in this capacity for 11 years. During this periodBethelexperienced great revival and growth. Bethel ChristianAcademy alsodedicated a new facility during this time. BrotherFauss’ ministryin music also continued. He produced and recordedover thirty musicprojects for various Christian recording artists,many of them inhis own recording studio.In 1990, Brother Fauss was elected as pastor of the FirstUnitedPentecostal Church in Orange, Texas. For 8 years, BrotherDavidFauss served as pastor of this thriving church congregationinOrange. During this time the church experienced a revivalandgrowth bridging many new familiar into the congregation. Thechurchwas completely renovated and re-dedicated under hisleadership.Pastor David Fauss returned to Houston in September of 1998andhas remained as pastor of Bethel until the present.During his ministry, Pastor David Fauss has served indifferentsectional and district offices. He served on the TexasHomemissions Board for 2 years, as Texas District Youth Secretaryfor 6years and was Editor of the Apostolic Sentinel for theTexasDistrict United Pentecostal Church for 8 years. During thistime healso served as Texas Bible College as instructor for 2years. Afterthe formation of the South Texas District UnitedPentecostalChurch, Brother David Fauss served on the South TexasDistrictConstitution Committee, assisting in writing theconstitution forthe new district. He has served on theParliamentary Committee as aparliamentarian for several of theannual district conferences forthe South Texas District. He servespresently as chairman of theBudget Committee for the district.
New Bethel Tunes 4.5.1
Tim Marshall
WelcomeIf you are looking for a Church that believes in the Word of God,aChurch that loves people, a Church that believes in followingtheSpirit of God, we're glad you found our website.Browse the site and you will find information about our Church.Youcan leave a prayer request or check out our service schedule.Lookat the many pictures and get a look at the family that Godisputting together here at New Bethel. We hope you find yourtimespent here a blessing! Our Church is a warm and loving Church,andwe want you to feel welcome to come and worship the Lord with usinone of our many services.